11:00 am: Stand By Me Village Opens!

11:00 am: Stand By Me Village Opens!

12:00 noon:  Welcome!
Sweet Readers Leadership Council President, Ella Klinsky 
Sweet Readers Co-Founder + CEO, Karen Young
STAND BY ME Creative Director, Meghan Finn
Sweet Readers Memory Singers Tana Papayannopoulou:  

12:15 pm: Opening Circle:  Spoken Words/Raised Voices
Featuring Middle + High School Students from Nightingale-Bamford
School and The Young Women’s Leadership School of the Bronx

Sweet Readers Memory Singers:  The Intergenerational Chorus!
Featuring singers from the Trinity School + TYWLS Bronx

1:30 pm: Sweet Readings Podcast
With Podcasters Cara Lieberman, Young Leader and Riverdale Junior, Caitlyn Tablada, Young Leader and Trinity Junior

Featuring:  Neurologist Dr. Gayatri Devi, Neurologist Dr. Georges Naasan, Leadership Council President Ella Klinsky

2:00 pm: Closing Circle

5:00 pm: Village Closes


Opening Circle:  Spoken Words/Raised Voices Circle

Under the direction of Meghan Finn, students from TYWLS Bronx and Nightingale Bamford School will join together with villagers in a circle of voices inspiring people to join hands and come together.  The Young Women’s Leadership School (TYWLS), part of the Student Leadership Network, was founded by Andrew and Ann Tisch in 1996 as the first all-girls public school in 30 years.  Ann Tisch was a Nightingale Bamford School parent.  Today, the network impacts approx.. 10,000 students every year across the country. 


Sweet Readers Memory Singers:

Tania Papayannopoulou began conducting a chorus for adults with Alzheimer’s and their care partners in 2011, the same year Sweet Readers was founded!  Finally, Sweet Readers and older adults with AD, under Tania’s direction, will introduce the first Intergenerational Chorus to include adults with Alzheimer’s and their care partners at STAND BY ME with an immersive and inclusive series of songs and immersions.


Sweet Readings Podcast: 

Sweet Readings, the first podcast for Sweet Readers, was the brain child of Young Leaders Angeline Rodriguez and Caitlyn Tablada.  A year ago they shared their dream to share the magic of the interaction between Sweet Readers and older adults through the arts and then back it up with evidence from the sciences.  How do those kids achieve their goal of discovering the person?  It starts with listening, seeing and, well, reading a person from many different angles.  Sweet Readings will be launched live at STAND BY ME centered around the topic of the impacts of community on brain and mental health.

Featured Presenters, in order of appearance

  • Ella Klinsky


    Ella is a high school senior, currently living in Park City Utah and also the President of the Sweet Readers Leadership Council. Ella exemplifies the Sweet Readers mission, to empower young people to revitalize isolated adults living with Alzheimer’s or some form of dementia and to become catalysts for eldercare excellence.

    “I plan to attend Dartmouth next fall as a double major in biology and government. I hope to use this education to pursue a career in public health policy. I want to ensure that all facets involved with healthcare are putting the patient first and working cohesively to fix many of the healthcare issues plaguing our world. My dream would be to close the gaps in our healthcare system that allow too many people to suffer from inadequate care and to remind politicians, doctors, and all healthcare workers to never forget the humanity of the people they serve.”

  • Karen Young

    Co-Founder and CEO

    “It is a great honor and pleasure to be able to bring together people across four generations and from different backgrounds in this historic place and time to share so much of what we have been doing in our programs for over a decade. Can’t wait to see our Village come to life and watch people immersed in science and the arts as they learn and discover each other!”

  • Tania Papayannopoulou

    Sweet Readers Memory Singers
    Chorus Director

    "STAND BY ME is so important to the world at this time. The messages and experiences that everyone will have that day will help people gain a positive outlook, feel the love, support, encouragement and joy!"

  • Meghan Finn

    Stand By Me Creative Director

    "Sweet Readers is an inspiring organization. A community event in the heart of Central Park, STAND BY ME will bring their incredible work to the public through art, music and interactivity. I am most excited to see what new bridges are created through this compelling and collaborative installation."

  • Cara Lieberma and Caitlyn Tablada

    Cara Lieberma and Caitlyn Tablada

    Sweet Readers Leadership Council / Sweet Readings Podcaster

    “We decided to launch Sweet Readings as a way to reach and educate a broader audience about the importance of brain health, the benefits of human engagement and how to navigate living with dementia. We are so excited for you all to tune in!” – Caitlyn

    “Sweet Readings matters because Alzheimer’s is a disease that impacts so many people. Having a platform to show the science behind the powerful human connections is super important. The personal stories we share can help kids of all ages learn how much of an impact they can have in someone’s life even and perhaps especially when they are struggling or appear to be unreachable.” - Cara

  • Dr. Gayatri Devi

    Director, Park Avenue Neurology
    Sweet Readings Interviewee

    "I adored my grandparents which is why I love my job- taking care of older adults. Stand by Me fosters strong intergenerational bonds and that is crucial for the well-being and happiness of both groups. Each learns from the other which is a true delight."

  • Dr. Georges Naasan

    Medical Director for the division of Behavioral Neurology + Neuropsychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine

    “I am honored to participate in Stand By Me. It takes a village to care for people living with dementia, and their loved ones, and often medical care may not come in the form of a pill. The work that community organizations do to help alleviate the challenges of dementia as well as provide positive quality experiences for the people touched by it is invaluable, and I am grateful to be included.”