On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 the skies opened up for a beautiful day.. hundreds of people from around the world and across four generations came together and through science and the arts in joyful and etherial ways. They began to see each other through multiple windows, picture frames and doors. Together we built a Village in the heart of Central Park and planted the seeds for systemic change.

We challenged children, parents, educators, artists, the elderly and the general public to consider, discuss and share their answers to these five essential questions:

1. What grounds you?

2. What/whom do you value?

3. What brings you peace?

4. What brings you joy?

5. What dream inspires you?

Below is a gallery of photos from the event. In the coming weeks, we will add more information, videos, and fascinating content to inspire you to build bridges together, protect and stimulate your brain and care for each other, across divides.

It takes a village to build a village. In addition to the excellent creative and production teams, our dedicated Young Leaders, Sweet Readers and the exceptional STAND BY ME Presenters (spotlighted in the TEAM and Event Agenda Sections here), Special Thanks to: The NYC Parks Department, The Central Park Conservancy, the NYPD, the FDNY, Berkeley Carroll School, The Chapin School, Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, LAB Middle School, Nightingale-Bamford School, NYC, Manhattan Youth, Sisulu-Walker Charter School, The Young Women’s Leadership School of The Bronx, The Jewish Museum, 80th Street Residence, all of the adult chorus members and their care partners, Julia Bailyn, The Banner Family, Emma Barnes, Kardelen Bayraktar, Aria Bevacqua, Paul Beckford, Matt Budd, Alyssa Cohen & Marco Tablada, Nancy Eastman, Devin Eisenberg, Riley Farmer, Ani Fiedelholtz, Sohanny Firman, Isabel Glantz, Trude Goodman, Caroline Heath, Allison Kahn, Anabel Kahn, Ella Klinsky, The Klinsky Family, Elise Larsson, Hannah Lathen, Judah Levenson, Barri Lieberman, Cara Lieberman, Lindsay Nadler, Madeleine Liceaga, Damaris Maclean, Miriam McKendal, Christina McNamee, The Pitts Family, Samantha Hosein, Martha St. Jean, Isabella Scott, Ella Schenk, Maeve Shepardson, Addison Smith, Caitlyn Tablada, Allison Yu.

After three impossible winters and amidst the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, it’s time to bring our communities together, see each other more fully and celebrate all of the good, through the arts.

Open your Heart + Mind 
Collaborate + Create 
Let’s join in solidarity!

Our communities of students, educators, older adults, health care experts and creative geniuses and their families across four generations are coming together to immerse visitors in science and the arts as they create collaborative poetry, music and art, explore brain health tips, navigate living with dementia, and discover the joys and benefits of creative human connection.  

The Immersive Village

On May 3, 2022, Sweet Readers will transform the area in and around Central Park’s Naumburg Bandshell into an immersive, theatrical village.
The goal? For people to be inspired to see and engage with and for each other more fully, during and beyond the event.

The Village will include three special elements:

Bandshell Immersions

From 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm three special programs lodged in the Bandshell will engage visitors and amplify our voices and mission throughout the village.

Sweet Readers Memory Singers! The first International, Intergenerational, Immersive Chorus to include adults with Alzheimer’s or some form of demential and their care partners!
Sweet Readings Live Podcast! Exploring with experts in aging, youth and theatre, the value and impact of community on the brain and mental health.
Drum + Poetry Circles led by our theatre and music specialists.

Central Park’s Naumburg Bandshell

Discovery Circle

At the center of the Stand By Me Village will be a circle of stands, each half circle will represent the seven planks of the Sweet Readers heart and contain important information and an interactive element to help you experience learning live!

Learn about the brain functions, how to protect your brain and the dynamic synergies between youth and the elderly, particularly those with dementia.


Above: Rendering of the interactive Stand By Me Village which will immerse visitors in science and the arts.

Interactive Stations

View Sweet Readers Artworks…Explore Thoughtful Themes…Collaborate + Create!
Community Quilt: What grounds you?
Collaborative Portraits: What do you value?
Collaborative Mobiles: What brings you joy?
Collaborative Poetry: What dream inspires you?
Community Mural: What brings you peace?

Above: Rendering of the interactive Stand By Me Village which will immerse visitors in science and the arts.

 The Sweet Readers Mission is to empower youth to engage older adults living with dementia and become catalysts for eldercare excellence through interactive programming and compelling public events.

We Build Communities

Discovering the Person

Alzheimer's Impacts Everyone!